Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Tomorrow is writing night: play moving in direction of knives, sleeping outside, sex. Mustn't forget these important places to go in rest of 2nd act.

Today, I took myself to the library to write after work. I'm completely out of $ til payday thanks to massive security deposit. I'm getting around on the subway with change for single ride cards and should make it through the next two days close to fed as such. I got in an hour of writing, which was about as much as I was good for, before I got on the train to come home and realized my housekeys were in my pants in my "office" at work (i musn't wear jeans in the supply room where I work - recently chastised) - which I didn't have access to since I forgot my swipe-y thing. Got the keys with a security escort. Ate Hilal on a treeless bench area on 50th and sixth.

Fascinating isn't it?

J date an intersting scene you are welcome to discuss with me on the phone.

why can't I sleep until 1 am. Everyting will change in my new apartment.

My houseguest didn't make her bed or take out the trash - when it had food in it -- while I was gone, and I was up for hours my first night back listening to a mouse literally nose-dive into the garbage pail repeatedly. While I screamed. Until I stood on a chair, got a broom and threw the trast into the hall without having my feet in the area.




kungfuramone said...

Well, that's pretty adorable that you did your best 40s-sitcom-housewife impression w/ a mouse. Were you afraid it was going to bite you and give you the AIDS?

Alexis said...

I was afraid it was going to run over my foot.

That's my #1 primary mouse fear.