Saturday, August 18, 2007

Eff you fuckin suck. Your blog is in the lame bin at the blog store. Someone even asked me the other day if I keep a lame ass stupid blog and I said I did actually but then I described it and then they said oh - not blogs like that - yours is Awesome. And I said, yeah but take a look at this one, and I showed them yours and they said "that's just what I'm talking about. These people make me sick; i mean I'm puking." That person was former Secretary of State Madeline Albright.

Happy happy. Absolutely lovely barbeque last night w my friend M. French people. Who knew i could like French people so much! American Irish catholic new wife of Frenchman also outstanding.

Beofre the wonderful bbq of which I best recall the bottle after bottle of really good wine, M and I were talking as we walked and bussed there --- she has separated from her husband - the one whom she followed to to the USA- I said "good." She didn't know about that. But we attempted commiseration about "dating" so to speak. She is committed to falling in love as soon as she falls in love and going for it whole hog. This is the French way. I asked, "So is it like the movies? You people are always pushing eachother up against walls - in love- over there?" The answer is yes. If there's one thing M. is always amazed about in American women, it's the regulation of the dating ritual, the attempt to control our destinies, the Appolonian approach we take to what is obviously a deluge. Meanwhile, she'is intrgued by our idea that you "have to get to know someone". I also think that won't change her and I realy really like her. The french are stubborn. And when they agree they sound like they're arguing. This is an easy affectation to pick up and I love it.


1 comment:

Eff Gwazdor said...

More like Janet Reno! 'Cause of I know she hangs out at Wildflowers where YOU hang out with all the other disgraced former female almost-heads-of-state, drinking cosmos and bitching about how lame all of the blogs in the world are except the ones that you write, 'cept then you go and slash each other's blogs to bits behind each other's backs (You think we don't know who "SknkyHoMaddieAl" is?)

Here's where my blog is cooler than yours:

1. Mine not poop-colored.

2. Mine has pictures, yours just has boring words.

3. Fewwer people read mine - you're a total sellout. Whay don't you just go work for SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE!

4. I INVENTED blogging. I was THE FIRST. You were like third or maybe fourth.

5. Therapy is for crazy-people. Talking to a computer as a substitute for therapy is for the merely disturbed.