Monday, March 19, 2007

Blog entry

Well I’m back. I assume you missed me in the internet.

I don’t know what to blog about because I’m so busy procrastinating making my ideas into anything of-a-piece… meaning I am checking my empty email inbox every two and half minutes… cooking up a different scene/ story first-paragraph every ten minutes in my head.. about to buy a really pretty purple button front shirt dress online. I don’t know where I get off with this stuff.

News of the vacation:

It’s much easier to relax on vacation in Florida, but only if you promise yourself with your best attempt at honesty that you won’t let yourself relax on return.

It’s a slower pace down there. Like floating through life. I prefer the hard way. It’s dangerous in Miami because the way not to be bored would probably be to party and party and party. That’s kind of empty and good. When I do finally go to a psychiatrist though, I wouldn’t want that to be the story --- like, “I’ve been filling my body with the most fabulous pills and a gallon of alcohol a day for the past ten years. I have lots of beautiful stuff. I don’t think I can ever stop taking these pills.” Yuck. I’d want to tell myself to shut up and give me $200, you know?

I think Spring will come this year. I’ve seen the sun and it really does give you a boost!


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