Thursday, December 21, 2006

Maybe you're perfect. Find out today!

I can’t tell you which historical lunatic you are or measure out aspects of your personality on different colored meters (you know when that test kept asking if I liked adventure and I kept answering “strongly agree” – that’s probably how I came out so adventurous on the adventurous scale at the end!)but I have formulated this personality test for you:

Pick one:

1. A. Whole Milk B. Half and Half

2. A. Tea B. Coffee

3. A. Jim Jarmusch B. Martin Scorcese

4. A. Sexy B. Not sexy

5. A. Chicago B. New York

Did you get 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B? If so, congratulations. Has anyone told you lately that you are one fantastic great-looking guy/girl?

Anything else, Sorry, you’re flawed.

I can probably make a few more of these today. I have nothing else to do at work. :)


Alexis said...

The coffee/ tea one kind of depends on some things not taken into consideration. If you reside in one of certain regions and have a certain schedule notinvolving mass transit before 9 am, you can answer 2A and accept the first personality assessment.

Idalia said...

6. A. Love this blog B. Don't love this blog

A. A, A, A!

kungfuramone said...

Yay! I win again!