Monday, December 11, 2006


This is how the blogging thing is then isn't it? Compulsive to display some extremity of interestingness or mundane-ness in yourself, eventaully you post about having fun and then later feeling inert and taking a bath.

I'm at work and my lower back aches. The two things of note yesterday were:
1) Riding the subway for the subway series - hip hop on the 1 train downtown. This felt good. No one can rap less than I can. So I have to just move my head to be part of the thing... esp. standing on a subway car-seat where shaking my ass would sort of get mixed up. Sing when someone else starts it. I can get so shy.
2) Saw Grey Gardens documentary. There is nothing I can really say about this. Even the online super enthusiasts spend their essays vacillating between: "See, it's these two crazy co-dependent cat ladies..." and "Somehow, though it's inexplicable, and as soon as I put words to it it sounds wrong, this captures the whole essence and meaning of Life."

"Are you absolutely crazy? There isn't anything I can't do." <--- this resonantes.

1 comment:

-f said...

Ain't it the truth about de-evolution...

I'm not sure what blogging is, but I think you do it better than I do. That's cause you are a nerd.