Tuesday, November 17, 2009


don't ever buy this "Mash" bottled juice stuff. I got it this morning having skimmed the label and thinking it said, "it's 100% juice..." What it says is, "it's not 100%juice" and it's gross.

I don't know what the point is of it all. I really don't. I am turning 29 tomorrow though. And pretty soon I'm going to go to law school. I have to because of a very simple thing called money. I want to have it. I want a house in New England. I can deal with the possibility of never falling in love again. But I can't deal with never being in a certain bracket, the homeowner bracket. So there it is. Enh - I should also be able to kick some litigous ass. I need to be kicking more ass, and making money - not this year but, well, probably next year - go to Mexico for the 30th bday and then to Law School before the 31st. Maybe I could be an environmental lawyer. That would be sort of awesome. Maybe I could lend my future to-be-gotten contract understanding abilities to would-be producers and sorta keep my hand in the theater production game. I don't know, I've been thinking these kind of serious thoughts about the future. Probably because so many people are getting married or pregnant and I can't even afford a puppy, and also am developing a corner of myself that doesn't believe I'll ever have another boyfriend, not to say husband. And because I really admire the women around my workplace who are runnin' thangs while I take phonecalls and dress like Mad Men (which I was doing since before that shit was on TV - which is awesomely prescient of me but doesn't help me at the automat- not one bit). I'll be accepting "But Alexis you MUSTN'T go to Law School - you are TOO UNIQUE and should just maintain and WRITE" comments/ caveats - but I'm more serious than usual as 30 looms and I seriously want to be able to support a Dog and have a house preferably made at least in part of stone. I think it could be deeply satisyfing a) to study and use different colored highlighters - so in depth will be the level of studying b) to do the persuasive thing c)to earn money, did I mention that?

So there's that. It's related, or at least how serious I feel about it is related, to a phonecall with my dad last night. I guess I'll dialogue it. "Mad Men"-wise it would be hot as hell if I could light up a smoke here at work while I dialogue out my conversation with my dad last night on my blog. Hating so hard on smoking is sadly not even the worst of the aughts.

My dad calls.

Me: HI!
Dad: Hi - how are you?
Me: Good! I'm Good!
Dad: That's one thing that's great about you - you are always so upbeat.
Me: Well, I try!
Dad: So, tomorrow is my last day at Schering.
Me: Wow. Unbelievable. That is some serious end of an era stuff.

um, etc.

Dad: So I won't have to go into work for a while and I found two boxes of your papers from Middle School and High School in the basement so I can bring them out to you one day.
Me: Hm. Alright.
Dad: You know what else I found - cleaning out my desk from work... notes I took from a phonecall from that casting agent about you being in The Secret Garden when you were 12. It says they'd provide a tutor - but you need to have at least one guardian and I wrote "Grammom?"

etc. Jokes.

Dad: Oh well... probably you would have ended up like Drew Barrymore on drugs and a mess.
Me: Oh probably not. Probably I just would have loved the living shit out of it and then for college gone to Carnegie Mellon's Conservatory or I dunno Yale and gotten an agent and it'd be great.
Dad: Yea! You'd be Natalie Portman.
Me: Exactly. But talented. Anyhow, this is silly. Yeah, right now all I really want is a dog.
Dad: Well I guess I can be glad you're not telling me you're not getting younger so you want to have a baby.
Me: Yeah not to worry - not even close. I'll tell you that in about 10 years.
Dad: What about your mother? Is she still bothering you to have a baby?
Me: No I think that was mostly drunkenness... well, or... well I don't really know what it was. Honestly it was more her asking why I was keeping her from her grandchild - you know the imaginary grandchild - which - I don't think you like to hear this, but when I do think of having a baby, I'm pretty sure I really don't want her anywhere near it and I'll try to keep it as far away from her as I can...
Dad: Oh I don't think I'll fight you too hard on that.
Me: Okay good yeah. Hey so these boxes of stuff - I'm just thinking- you don't really have to bring them out here - I mean it's great if you come out here- there's all sorts of stuff we can do, but it's not like I have so much storage space...
Dad: Well if I don't bring it out it's gonna get thrown away.
Me: Jeez fine. Bring them out then - I don't want you to throw them away. Like my "All About Me" book. I was just thinking of that because of Where the Wild things Are. Do you remember the stories you took dictation from me of? They were incredible- They were so Jungian - I can't believe they're lost forever.
Dad: Yeah! you were so Creative!
Me: No Really! I remember one of them I looked in the mirror but I was a bird and... then there was this journey on a train but all the while I kept having these feelings, as a girl, as a bird... - it's terrible that they're gone.
Dad: What about schools? Are you applying to schools again this year?
Me: I mean I should try. Get together a couple applications over Christmas break. But I haven't written anything new. I am in a mood to revise, but I don't know if I'll get to it. Plus I was reading this Wendy Wasserstein play over the weekend and thinking, "Why not try to produce this?" I mean I don't know how to acquire the rights but I guess I could find out.
Dad: Yeah I guess that's why there are producers - not everyone can write.
Me: Well I can write but it's just I think there's a lot of writing that's already there that is better than mine. I mean mine is mine but Wendy Wasserstein - it's kind of great- it all applies to now as well as when it was written and there're all these female characters.. I could cast myself... I don't know.
Dad: No I like this - very ambitious...
Me: And law school - I think about law school
Dad: Well I REALLY like that! But don't wait too long...
Me: What does THAT mean?

But I didn't want to give my dad a hard time so I laid off and didn't demand an answer. Thinking about it more today I also think I shouldn't wait tooo long (I just don't want to hear it from my Dad) because it's expensive and you want to do it young enough that you're paying it off at a time when it's still okay that you're paying it off.

Uh, Booooring - sorry about this y'all. XOXOXOX


Anonymous said...

I would not, I would not mind it at all if every blog you wrote were in play format. I think I could be perfectly happy reading that all the time.

Happy Birthday!

Chrissy said...

I think you should take some time on this, the anniversary of your birth, to celebrate how fabulous you are right now and stop worrying about the future and comparing yourself to others (or, if you MUST compare, consider people like the "octomom" or Jerry Springer guests, or anyone that you are totally GLAD to not be, and feel good, or proud, even. I do this constantly to keep myself sane and in school.)


Alexis said...

haha Octomom.