Friday, August 22, 2008

Chrissy, we are like soul twins - most of the stoof (that's stuff) I was thinking of typing about, you have typed about before on your blog. Like people who work for collection agencies calling your phone. Par example.

Have you seen the documentary "Janis" - they're showing it sometimes on VH1 classic. So, I've seen it before. Mostly incredible performances, and, in the middle, an unreal awesome interview on the Dick Cavett show freaking out America - followed quickly by her attendence of her 10 yr highschool reunion - on benzendrine I'm guessing. She's very excited for the reunion on Dick Cavett. When she's actually there, in the next scene, she's trying to be the star she is, but is obviously experiencing the difference between your nostaligiac memory of how subversively awesome your difference was versus how painful wholsesale rejection actually was, and that thing about how places won't let you be nostalgiac about them when you actually return to them - the places, they're like, "ha,ha no motherfucker your memories are real and they live right here bitch."

Anyway, what's with me that I rememebred this scene and wouldn't go to bed until I saw it. I crave to see the real of the bad. oh, life.

TGIF - I'm at the acounting office this week (and next week?) and that's why nothing to give. leave coming up. Secured theater internship. Going on date this evening to beer garden with the astoria eharmony hippie.

now to change clothes.

if you read this in time - should I wear the borderline trampy black american apparrel dress? I mean I'm going to so whatever. ;)



Kelly Haydon said...

Always go for the borderline trampy.

Feels like I'm going to lose my mind
cuz you keep on pushing my love
over the Borderline.
nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah...

kungfuramone said...

And American Apparel makes it rad to look slutty, for both boys and girls. Thanks, American Apparel!

Chrissy said...

This just convinces me further that we need to rendesvous in NYC as soon as fucking possible. (This wont be soon at all because I continue to be in financial ruin, but SOMEDAY. Someday.)