Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's the blog of the season of blogging

What to tell you? This blog is old. We've seen me though so much - I could tell you my thoughts on topics. I shan't.

I have a mouse. I saw him over a week ago. I talked to realtor/landlord about it more than once. Nothing came of that though our ceonversations seemed like they were founded on mutual understanding about getting an exterminator. I guess it is for me to lay traps. I have not. Will I tonight? Doubtful.

Things that sound like a mouse when you are listening for him:

1) Rain
2) The Radiator
3) Nothing

There was also at the same time a problem with mosquitos. I had seen the mouse. I went to sleep, I woke up at 3am and had itchy bites on my hand and shoulder. The greatest fear of all, that of bedbugs, gripped me. How happy I was to hear the buzzing in my ear of a baby mosquito after lying awake twenty minutes wondering if I had it in me to put everything I own in a dryer again.

When mosquitos buzz in my ear I slap my own head.

Long story short, hopefully, after a few nights one of the mosquitos had grown large - I saw him on the wall and I killed him. There was another medium sizer buzzing about later. Unclear if I killed him or not. I tried with my hands. I thought I'd won the battle - I slept unbitten. I spent a night away from my place (ooooooooooo) and figured now if any were left they'd have died, starved of blood (but could they have found mouse blood?) then I awoke, two nights ago to a big buzzing of a big guy who per the fact I had been dreaming, was enornous, cartoonish, and wears sunglasses.

I did something that is typically ineffective against mosquitos which was move to the living room and slept there. It worked. I was unbitten, unwoken by further buzzing.

Last night I slept on the couch again. Again I am safe. Should I return to my bed tonight, will I be bitten? Remains to be seen.

Everything else is fine. It's a rainy day here. I don't want to talk about boys or my amazing laziness if you don't mind. I am unassigned at work and will read for a while now.

Sometimes I should talk about rent control. Maybe later today. :)

XOXOXOXOX love and love and love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now I stay in touch..