Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Deductive and inductive reasoning skills are among the attriubtues tht separate humans from other life forms

And so I give you,

Is it bedbugs?

Why it is probably bed bugs:

1) Bedbug epidimic in New York.
2) The exterminator: "You wake up with bites after sleep in the bed, you have bedbugs. Is bedbugs."
3) Makes sense right?

Why I don't think it's bedbugs EVEN SO:

1) There are so much like mosquito bites. Now you see, these bites aren't a series of small rashlike bumps with traces of blood let. Not at all, and that's what I hear bedbugs leave on you! Nonetheless, It's not possible that it's mosquitos since the only open window is tightly screened.
2) There's a lot of wood around my bed from when I dismantled the loft and put the pieces under the new bed and beside it, between it and the wall. Termites? Do termites bite people?
3) Maybe it's fleas from the vermin and I'm carrying some strange plague.
4) Much like #1: No blood spots on the bed, not visible bugs. Bed bugs, the internet tells me, are not invisible.

So there you have it. The exterminator is apprently going to do exterminator bed bug magic and will hopefully be able to answer my questions such as "Is it maybe termites?" "Is it maybe fleas from the baby rats?"

I should start cleaning. I had more than two bites. More like six. I feel a lot better though. It will be okay. I've been pretty frustro all week so far. My guess is PMS. PMS + unlivable living space = not the nice girl I look like. Cutie asked me out on the subway though. And E. v. kind about my mood. So, you know, I should stop with this whole kill me thing, even if this apartment is beyond me.



nobugs said...

Bed bugs can be very hard to detect. They're not invisible but stealthy. People go six months being bitten without catching one. They do leave traces--and one sign is little black specks like black specks of dirt or small poppy seeds or small flecks of black pepper. Look for those.
And see:

Alexis said...

Thanks nobugsonme! Yes I did check out the bedbugger site and it helped to intensify the obsession associated with this issue. It's definitely bedbugs and the whole building has them!! :( :(

So I have a second career now in the art of constant laundering.

I threw out my mattress, apparently there's diff schools of thought on this but it's what I did. Now to place balloons of CO2 on the bedframe...

Sleeping on my pullout, which an exterminator has treated with toxic powder...

I have less than 200 sq feet. Studio... next to other infested apartments... losing battle but I'm a fighter.

Appreciate the site!

kungfuramone said...

From this post and the e-mail I received from you earlier, I have concluded that the bedbugs in NY thing is the exact equivalent of the 14th c. Black Death.

The good news is that the ensuing labor shortage will end serfdom in western Europe. So it isn't all bad.

Eff Gwazdor said...

Hi Alexis -

I thought that you were eaten by bedbugs. Did you know I'm still alive too? I've been doing videos so I don't go out. I'm sorry you have bedbugs. I liked the idea of the email-a-story about people acting strangely on the subway. Please email me one with the lesson "I gotta get out of here."

You know what? There are tons of things that separate humans from the other kinds of animals. The list goes on and on and on.