Thursday, February 15, 2007


So, goes without saying, the blogging is consuming me -- I think about what I'm gonna write about as I'm walking to work. Days I have a hangover = extra pensive over the minutia.

So I'm walking, rocking out a little, slipping a little, bumping into people a little, thinking thoughts, making observations, thinking a good place to start toay's entry is probably the slush all over the street, and then I tried to think of a way to describe the color -- as in "There's Xxxxxx-colored slush all over the street." But my brain could not deliver. What's the same color as the slush, readers-of-my-blog-not-residing-in-Santa-Cruz? The best I could do, and this says something about shots of Jameson + five hours of sleep, is that where it's particularly wet, I think I've seen baby poo that color. This was a blog I hoped would never have those words in it though. I'm reluctant to say my tone's "poetic" but more poetic than that would be nice.

So that's the contest: what color is the slush?

I love my college roommate. She's visiting from Chicago for an art history conference. We had a very nice time last night eating sushi, not having an allergic reaction, and drinking in Queens, Borough of Dreams. She was annoyed by me this summer when I visited her. Guess why? No... no... it's not a write-in contest -- that's the slush... It's because SHE was tired of how I let guys objectify me. That's one for the books everyone. I love that though. My friendships with some girls go really deep - This one's always been my great defender though. (I have another story about that but I've got to stay on task here. Okay- well I'll just keep it within the parenthses... This girl selling me crappy exstasy in a Parisian club once said I was stupid because I didn't understand "Do you have a pen?" was code for "Follow me to the bathroom to for a drug/money exchange" and my roomie busted in, like put her body between us, and was all "She is NOT STUPID." Hey... right?) Interestingly enough, she brought along a lesbian last night. She was cool. But as much as I think sex with women is super super hot and love I mean LOVE my close girls AND find that I always can meet at least one woman at work who can be trusted and says funny things NONETHELESS I think I should stay heterosexual overall (ladies, though, I've really been thinking about you. you are great.) It's men that have fucked me over. I'm hard pressed to think of times a woman's fucked me over. But, see, that's cause I generally do the sex thing with men. If I had to do a whole bunch of realtionship stuff with a girl we'd be messing with eachother's heads all over the place I'm sure... at least that's what I've observed from the (admittedly not many) lesbians I've talked to... and the person I know who did it for a while but that was pretty long ago got her heart a bit much broke too...

I dunno.... maybe I should go on the internet and get lesbian. It might be fun to receive/ inflict heartbreak from/on girls for a change.

Is this offensive?


p.s. saw a terrible idea on the news feed in the elevator! More on that soon


kungfuramone said...

Off-the-cuff response: there would be two problems, one of which you've already diagnosed. First, yes, it would be just as crazy and just as many feelings would be crushed; gay relationships are just as nuts as straight ones and sex is definitely a factor. Second, you might well run into resentment from "real" lesbians who thought you were just a straight tourist. Protestations of "hey-we're-all-a-little-queer" would probably not help here.

That said, I just can't recommend eating pussy enough.

Idalia said...

Root beer?

I vote stay straight.

Alexis said...

Idalia you are the winner. Gravy and root beer together with a teaspoon of tar to every cup.

kungfuramone said...

You win this time, idalia.

Eff Gwazdor said...

Well, you'd get a lot more hits.

I've been pretty absorbed in the pizza network. Did you check it out?