Sunday, April 11, 2010

dream analysis

Erotic is not always sex. I think it means the insanity of the way things feel in dreams. Have you ever had one where something else insane is happening to someone else and you're helping her? And feeling deeply, but not anxiety, more like sympathy - and you feel great? The other character has the anxiety. That was my dream this morning and it was so intense... I've had this crazy feeling about it all morning. I really want to tell you.

My boss (you know - I guess she's my boss - you know how that is.) had just realized that she was pregnant. I guess she must have known - she was eight months- but it had just hit her ESP. because the father was possibly the executive she initially assisted. The office looked crazy of course and the soaked sky was being wrung out of rain. I stroked her feathered sweater collar and told her it was going to be okay and that I was sorry for what she was dealing with. Her sister will be arriving for her to tell her - you know - it's clear that that is going to be something of a sob scene. My boss is really worried. I tell her it'll be fine and I send her to the opposite side of the office from the boardroom. Someone arrives and she's clearly the sister. So I run up to her to direct her to where her daughter is. But the woman says no she's her mother. I say "Really?" and she says yes and it's true. They meet up with one another - it is dramatic. Afterwards my boss seemed much much relieved. She's very teary but feeling much better. She also tells me that yes that was her mother but she does laughingly concede that it is very strange how she looks not a day over 30 and that she was wearing a wig - that is the one thing she has to do.

Kungfuramone says I should make my dreams one sentence but how could I do that?

I think it's funny because I know that people in dreams can stand in for other people who make you feel the things you project on that character. All the synapses twisted- I love it- but anyway the part that's "erotic' by my new definition is where the feelings you have in life do sort of overlap and you get that middle of the venn. That part sticks with you. That's the part where you wake up and your mind's a little blown. As for wishes fulfilled? Really? That's also a mind blow- because I didn't know my wishes could be so creative.... wigs?


also, Working Girl. Ha! Watched after that dream of all dreams! -HBO! Yup- I love the eighties - an abundance of movies that succeed wonderfully when they get it SO RIGHT - (she's cleaning up the Park Avenue house in a hurry in her underwear with the vacuum because that has been plotted and we need to see that!) and SO WRONG - she calls from her window office and the entire secretarial pool is jumping and cheering as we pan out to "Let the River Run".... Let me be frank. I loved it.


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