Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Allow me to reintroduce myself

I like to blog in bullets. once every four months or so. This is the reinvention.

* You know how I sometimes refer to a religion I'll create whose dogma is to love what I love. AIRCONDITIONING.

* I like to date more than one person. That's how I like it. So far. I'm not returning to therapy. I'm just working it til it doesn't work anymore.

* Anyway, i'm way too busy. I possibly haven't studied enough for the LSAT but I have 5 more days or something and I will every day and I can't wait for it to be done with. Also, the way to remain calm and not riddled with anxiety eventhough you hardly even need to particularly "have anxiety" to be anxious about a test of such a very determinant nature: "you need three more points to go to this school - you need four more points to go to that school. Get all the answers right! Get them right! and fast! FAST!" - right, well the way to remain calm is to realize that if you have to go to a lesser law school at least you can choose one somewhere like San Diego or somewhere and get a convertible or something. Staying relaxed this week is key.

AIRCONDITIONING IS SO AMAZING. It's like this every year - the first night of aircon and the first morning - and then it lasts, it is the only bliss I know that lasts and lasts, what is this happy HEAVEN? Where had it gone? Don't dare ask why it allows me its grace each summer.

If you thought I'd talk about my vacation last week and seeing KFR for the first time in 11 years, the joke is on you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, air conditioning is like nicotine: you must quit before you are thirty. Ceiling fans are all the rage, and they only need to be installed by obliging playwrights once. I miss you.