Thursday, May 28, 2009

it's a bloggin week

but it's also a typo week. I pulled something in my thumb? No really. I pulled something in my thumb. This is the second day of thumb cramp.

Okay so I had a nice night last night but I gotta give you the quote of the night which comes in between finishing up at work and going to meet MyfriendH and Megastar to see Backyard TireFire. Remember last week how a guy asked me out on the street and I had a drink with him after work, but he wasn't a real "prospect" so to speak given that he was divorced and had two kids. And said "Everything Copa?" instead of "How are you?" or "Is everything okay?" So the Quote of the night:

Me: So did you have a nice Memorial Day? You said you'd have your kids? You know -I don't know yet what you have in that department -- you know -- a boy and a girl? Two boys? We don't have to talk about that if you don't want to but,

QUOTE OF THE NIGHT: Actually I'm still married. And it's three actually. Three kids.

Oh how I laughed. And oh how I tried to order a steak quickly quickly but that would have taken a long time so I just wouldn't let them take the calimari away when they wanted to. (Did he not tip? The instant he paid the check everyone was coming around to take away the food) I was just laughing and laughing - staring off smilng and laughing again and stuffing calimari in my face after that. When I say grotesque sideshow I am not just playing around! Can you believe this sometimes WORKS FOR THIS GUY? I guess I'm naive. A) Never go out with anyone who asks you out. Something is wrong with them. and B) Someone is doing every unbelievable thing under the sun. But come on - it's a little amazing right, and sad, to imagine that sometimes this works. "I'm still married. With three kids. So what do you say? What do you think?" I honestly somewhat enjoyed this experience because I got to say, "I think you've got the wrong girl." which is so movie-ish and fun to say. Try it out loud! I kid you not. It's fun to say.

Oh, an important thing you haven't been told is that I don't hate Josh anymore. He loves my play and wrote me really involved notes about it and encourages me to write more always as his primary thing he says about my writing. So you know, he cried about how he thinks his girlfriend is a six and a half. Fine. And he's got more hang-ups than a california closet. What's new? no need to hate.

Oh xoxoxox I havea nice hangover - maybe i'll tell you more stuff about stuff later -I think I'm cycling back around to cool so that is nice.


1 comment:

Chrissy said...

This reminds me of a night a guy tried to hit on me in a bar with this gem of a line:

"Im feeling arrogant tonight. Not chauvinistic, but arrogant."

What?! Who are these guys? Seriously. They never cease to amaze.
