Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's my birthday!

Birthdays are fun. Eventhough there is some danger of the end of my evening resembling some aspects of the tv show Arrested Development b/c my mom is taking me somewhere where I think she likes the martinis (I am smiling about this, laughing, not bitching...) it is still my birthday and therefore it should still rock, as I rock, especially on my birthday.

True story: MyfriendHol likes parties. In the summer, she also likes the beer garden. So approx 3 times I meet this new friend of hers CrazyE - a young woman - 25yo? - very pale - that's her half Norweigan - it's hard to see her half Cuban - her mom's Cuban. She is, like MyfriendHol, in an MFA program at Adelphi. That is how they know eachtoher. I met her twice at parties at MyfriendHol's house and once at the beer garden. She seemed cool enough - interesting looks, an interest in cheapy accessories paired with black&white fashion...

So on the first 3 initial occasions that I met her she pretty much talked with only a few pauses or changes about this bf she had in Norway -- and their families knew eachother which was so magical and they all had the same birthdays - in a mixed up way - also, she thought, very magical. The third time she told me about all this I was drunk at one of MyfriendHol's house parties - feeling pretty honest - and also compassionate- and I told CrazyE something like "I don't know what will happen. But the times I've felt that way - like maybe our birthdays have significnace and stuff -I've usually felt later like it was a symptom of something that was wrong - or even missing. I mean he's in Norway?" To CrazyE's credit.... she didn't get angry at me, and I think some people would -- but everyone was pretty drunk and up for the honesty.

So two days later this bf in Norway breaks up with her and she calls me and thinks I am like prescient. Also she thinks I'll be a good listenener, I think, to her obsessive spiral - which I am actually - I get that - almost everyone is obsessive when someone has just really hurt them. Kind of usually an older friend's job to listen to, but she's kind of isolated poor thing. I bring her out to a friend's low key birthday party and they're all pretty brilliant people and they find her annoying but whatever -- they're used to me doing weird thing like bringing traumatized annoying people to their birthdays.

flash forward to the-day-before-my-birthday, yesterday. :) (In the meantime I've hung out with her two more times - over the course of about a year: The first was kind of strange but she was trying to get laid- sure, fine- the second was a good time at a bar where I observed that she's clearly made friends, good, doesn't need me anymore. Throughout the year she stalks my facebook - you know, that's allowed - it's facebook -- and lastly later in the year she seriously freaked out on MyfriendHol in an insane way.)

The stunning conclusion: At 4 am yesterday (not this morning - 4 am yesterday morning- I was awake because I had been scared nearly to death by True blood earlier in the evening.) I go check my email and I have a new post on my facebook wall. It is from CrazyE and I swear to God it reads something like: "hey girl - It's fo sho yo birfday! Wuz happening cuz it's fo sho been a minnit!" or was it more like "Hey girl happy birfday fo sho - we have to party 'cuz I fo sho haven't seen yo fo a minnit" It is 4 am. I don't have time to think about it. My gut reaction is that I am horrified and I delete it.

What a weird girl!!!!!!!!!!! I have told you about basically all of our interaction-we have never sat around speaking sort of minstrel-era ebonics to eachother. I think that would be pretty racist if we did--- but facebook is crazy, bitches, don't forget your girl told you get that dirt off your shoulders!



Chrissy said...

1. Happy Birthday!

2. Whoa. I've got three words for you: Bitches. Be. Crazy.


kungfuramone said...

Day-yum. That is really weird.

Aaaaaand...happy birthday! It's still your birthday as I type this, because I am 6 hours ahead of you.