Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So my eharmony bf came over to watch football last night which was fun. We also made plans for me to cook and to watch Sopranos friday.

However, at 4am last night I asked him if he would shave that goatee off on Friday. I've told him I don't really like the goatee before. He was so insulted that he left! At 4am!

I'm kinda like, not dying to apologize because really? leaving? isn't that more dramatic than I want to get into. I must be crazy waiting for some kind of man man that deosn't storm off like a "woman."

Am I wrong?

I'm too bored about this to write all the details.

But maybe I'm really horrible.

Still -I think leaving was seriously excessive and that it's not my turn to apologize. It's only hair! I just want to see what he'd look like without the hair on his chin!

Leaving? At four in the morning? I don't think i like him anymore although watching football was fun. I think he said something about how he won't be berrated--- I wasn't berrating. I was only asking. I don't know -- I htink this is in the realm of simply too sensitive. even if there was some comparable thing - which there isn't - but if there was and I was insulted becasue he said at 4am, lke "would you cut your hair in a bob for me - you can bet I wouldn't get all my clothes on and go over it.

Also, this writing thing is fits and starts.



Anonymous said...


kungfuramone said...


(He could have, you know, LAUGHED IT OFF. GOOD LORD.)

Alexis said...

I completely agree. NEXT!

Chrissy said...

You will never be able to deal with REAL issues with this one. Next indeed.
