Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Here we go

the number one thing bothering me is still useless pieces of paper that are sent by mail. Like when you get a verizon statement and it comes with a shiny advertisement thing that is just paper to throw away and they obviously printed a million of them. It's a tragedy and I wish Al Gore could be president and do something about it or I would like to form a group that protets about it and I only have about fifty friends, so I need serious committment from some of you on this. Please can we make a club against stupid paper.

What else? I don't really want to write on my blog but it's time and iwant my friends to say hi on the intenet. I'm lame.

I might not get into school and I really want to get into school.

what else?

I eat way too much tabouleh and I think it might be fatiguing me and also making me sweat more.

I hurt my elbow AGAIN getting dropped on it by an over-excited college friend. Sometimes people think because I'm small that the most appropriate thing at a given moment is to throw me around like a nimble sack. Gravity still affects me though... just as much as anybody else! Elbow injury is going to stay with me in 2008 apparently.

That's all for now.

I'll try to write again soon about something tho.

I want to buy about seven expensive things. Eight.


1 comment:

kungfuramone said...

Per request:

"hi on the intenet"

Also, I e-mailed you.