Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So so so...

So I'm back to assisting the CEO. It's pretty cool besides the having to be here at 8:30 and not leaving til at least 5:30. Today, the plan is to stay late and get out an application that's due Thursday. I believe it will happen. 3:00 - 4:30pm is a timeframe where I sometimes captiulate though -- I mean I decide that I'm going home as soon as I possibly can, even if I've made firm resolutions about plans earlier in the day/ the day before/ blah blah. Then, if I go home, I get drunk guys, so... I better stay here tonight. (Wondering a bit about my drinking... not the most pressing thing right now, but it occurs to me now and then how much I care for it. I mean, remember when it was like "Well, as long as you don't drink alone..." But that's very easy to say when you don't live alone!)

My lovelife is wackier, wack-er? , than ever, but eventhough it's decidedly abnormal, I'm glad there's anything to speak of, as there so often is not. If you want to hear about it though it's definitey a phone call situation. It's highly unbloggable.

Ummmm... trying to get a smoke break/ smoked salmon break combined in the next ten minutes. Cliffhanger: can I work it?



kungfuramone said...

I must know! Did you eat salmon while smoking?! I hope so!

Drinking alone is fine. Nothing weird about that at *all*.

Alexis said...

See I smoke the cigarette on my way to the dispenser of smoked salmon....

and I got to!