Friday, November 10, 2006

2 things that happened in two days

1) Propositioned from a car -- offered money to "lick" guys on my street, very nearly home, I was drunk and wound up shouting obscenities in the street for few minutes. Not exactly "empowering" but a significant release of anger.

2) Cup of coffee fell on my head on my way to work. My coffee, which I had placed precariously on top of a learning annex cubby-thing while I went through my bag to find headphones. I didn't mind the guy watching the whole thing laughing. but he could have gotten me a paper towel. As it was, the bodega next door, gave me a single sheet. As I'm typing now, I smell like coffee... you can dry half a cup of coffee from your hair okay with one sheet of a paper towel, but you will continue to smell like coffee.

Oh and the girl next door lied to me about Charlotte's Web. Last time I saw her she told me she was over a hundred pages in, but I guess it was just to please me... because when I saw her last night, she informed me that UPS had come but I wasn't home, which I knew (as I'm on a campaign to try and get UPS to communicate better with me, by means of a nail in the door and a note expressing my need for more information when they drop by than a ripped up piece of paper lying on the floor with... none. Success! UPS guy whoever he may be responded with a very clear note on the nail!) So I said "yes I know... thanks. So did you finish the book?" and she said yes, (last tiem we had this conversation she claimed to be ovr a hundred pages in so...) but then when I said "Wasn't it sad?" she said, "yes... the father wanted to kill the pig because he was small..." and I was like "Yes, at the beginning....but then all that other stuff happens...but at least there's the babies..." And she said "yes, the pig had babies." I said "You didn't get to Charlotte yet?" Maybe I'll read it with her sometime. This blog is about me displaying the most pathetic elements of my life. Obviously.

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