Wednesday, September 29, 2010


All the time. I need to work on the pilot I found this week but work! - I mail merged and did so many labels today. Computers are amazing. You can fight with them for their knowledge. As I did and discovered the key to an elusive merge. Work! You know what's funny about work lately. We're understaffed, I'm doing awful things. I so need to be challenged though that it gets the energy going in a new way. I never stop thinking. That's why drinking. Drinking makes thinking more fun.

On that note I have to go buy some wine. I've had tons to blog about but the labels got my hands. Ah, to think you could have gotten to know more about my childhood ! and technology! and how we, as in humanity approach knowledge haha maybe after wine. Tomorrow I have to be early! (Seriously though work, and power and money - I could just a write a book if you wound me up and gave me wine. Now wine store!)


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