Well listen, I went to Mexico, I sprained my ankle. Things are happening, spring is coming, C and I had a PERFECT time on vacation, and I am happy.
Later today I'll have the pleasure of asking the gynocologist to look at my ankle please. Hee hee.
And so, here is a picture in which I believe myself to look like I've lived in Havana for ten years.

Here is a picture from the same night but big smiles.

For the sea lions, the views, the suntanning, the boating, you have to go to facebook. Sorry. (KFR you can use my password and go look again if you want - the pictures are normal sized now.)
Oh, and let's see if this works. Here's some pictures of C and Snoop! She had to talk business with him the other day!

That is so dope that she is hanging out with Snoop. Who took the pictures?
I don't know... someone else! I think it's dope too. I showed another girl at my work and she was all, 'well my older sister went to snoop's hotel room and smoked a blunt with him. No, she did!" UH--- YEA. Not the same. not getting it. :)
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