Monday, January 29, 2007

Hey guys

I stopped wanting to blog for a while.

Some thoughts I've had that were bloggable anyway:

1: The best song to listen to while you briskly walk 9 blocks to work is Jesus Children of America - Stevie Wonder. The best with simply not one parallel.

2: (from last night watching PBS) Charlotte Bronte, you crack me up you crazy bitch I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. The perfect love would be if he were rich, convinced I was the straight bomb because of my unflappable character, but a little too difficult/ too often insulting, so I left, came into my own damn inheritance, and when I made my return he was blind. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

That might be it.


Idalia said...

Okay, but I'm pretty sure you're the best blogger, so you should, you know, consider your responsibilities.


Eff Gwazdor said...

I watched that shit too.