Friday, February 13, 2009

ha HA

Two things contributed to a great great idea last night...

A) I watched Survivor - someone I know is on it and that is a solid way to start watching Survivor again and remembering that its premise is really good and that it's the original reality/ elimination (i.e. not as fucked up as these "everyone lick this nasty guy's tongue at the same time!' shows) - basically the essential reality elimation.

B) I talked on the phone all night with Aaron as per usual until my neck hurt as per usual and I was in bed and needed to go to sleep because I'm flying to Texas tonight! Talking on the phone from 9pm-11pm means you can strip off your clothes, you can fill and start the humidifier, but you can't do much else -- I gotta hook up the blue tooth to my phone asap. It's pretty annoying to talk on the phone from whenever until you go to sleep but the sweetie on the other end can make it happen despite all the annoyance you accrue as you skip toothbrushing, cleaning, etc.

ANYWAY -- What if there was a show called "American Irritable"?! - OH SHIT WOULD I WIN THAT SHOW!!!!! (Or so I thought until I overheardheard the daughter of Aaron's roomate, Ana-Clara -- recently brought to their house from her native Brazil- refusing to take a shower - while her lack of citizenship might disqualify Ana-Clara, the only way I can see losing American Irritable would be if over-tired children were allowed on the show. Otherwise, Aaron agreed, my style would be simple yet enormously effective. "Leave me Alone." "Don't talk to me." "Don't touch me")

The other news is that I'm flying to Texas. There was a fiery plane crash that killed everybody on the flight in question + someone in a house yesterday. I wish we don't crash and I know I'll have fun when we don't crash and I get there!


kungfuramone said...

Look, you KNOW that I believe in you. But there is some stiff fuckin' competition for irritable. You'd have to bring your A-game of short-tempered and pissy to have a shot.

Chrissy said...

I think you would win the show American Awesome. And then you'd have to defend your title with me as your teammate in American Awesome: Couples Edition.