Thursday, December 7, 2006

Does anyone remember this song?

Hey ladies/ When your man wants to get buck wild/ just go back and hit 'im up style/ Get your hands on his cash and/ spend him to the last dime/ for all the hard times.

My college boyfriend resented my adoration of this song, which was very catchy. In this case his "concern" was comical, to me, because he had no cash to speak of ever and in his wallet only a Discover card which no place accepted. If he had ever gone buck wild, I think there was a Pizzaria Uno in Rochester which I could have hit up style. But also, as my students used to continually tell me, "it's just a SONG." (My message peeve song is Juvenile's "Slow Motion" -- in particular for the instructive "When you're riding, don't ask questions about where I'm driving you." Miss Alexis: "Listen, ALWAYS ask questions about where someone's driving you. Oh, and you don't have to move in slow motion for anyone just because now you're in the rental or he bought some weed or you're drinking Hennessy you know." High School Students: "Oh my god Miss Alexis, it's just a SONG." [By the time I had sixth graders, the song which irked was Fifty's "Candy Shop" which had my nascent girls delighted over "I'll let you lick the lollypop," causing Miss Alexis to "OD" on "mean." These things all stopped being funny and started being too sad then - I mean, some of the children explained very clearly that they took instuctional lyric as instruction. And they were too youg to be making a choice so... you get it right?] Circa 2004 I also enjoyed ruining that "hotel" song, lyrics :Cuz we're having an after party, checking out six in the morning." I sang it: "Cuz we're having an after party, calling the desk and extending our checkout." I mean, if you've been partying all night, what do you want to check out at 6:00 for? Too dorky. I know.)

My little cousin Christopher was once delighted I knew Buck Wild and we sang it by the pool for a half hour or so during which time he did not irritate everyone beyond belief.

But I think the song's off everyone's radar and, like so many songs from musicals about homosexulaity or fairy tales, only I will be left singing it down the stairs and on the street and in my rowboat as civilization declines and apocalypse approaches.


-f said...

I could not agree more. The world is almost certainly almost over. But I have no knowledge of these songs. If I were to blog about what songs were running through my head, yeah, it would be a disaster. First of all I'd never be able to stop ever again, and I usually change all the lyrics to be about "woof dogs." The weird thing is, I think this is normal behavior. Every single person I know is completely mad.

So Alexis, how long have you been talking to yourself on-line?

kungfuramone said...

She is not alone!

Anonymous said...

Brianna Adams,
Hi!^^ The name of the song is "Hit 'Em Up Style (Ooops!)" and it was sung by Blu Cantell. I have been looking for this song also and I just found it 15 minutes ago on youtube!^^

Brianna Adams

Anonymous said...

Brianna Adams,
Hi!^^ Sorry for my mistake it's Blu Cantrell not Blu Cantell. I have to stop typing so fast!^^
Brianna Adams