Thursday, April 16, 2009

no windows, flourescents, awful k-cup coffee, I am calling out tomorrow

okay -- there's an assignment here. There's a story to tell that no one asked for.

So -- God I'm tempted to just write dude's whole name. Dude's true first name is Josh. I think I've actually mentioned him in passing on this blog before. I'm no longer in the same playwriting group I was in. That group splintered, and one of my favorite people in the world I've ever met, Kelly, asked Josh and another person who'd had a couple babies and hadn't been around real-live class in a long time to make an online class. They formed that class and then invited me to it. It's really really fun - getting feedback on your work in the chatroom while you're just maxin and relaxin in your own house/apartment. It's kind of amazing really because you've gotta assume we're all four pretty passable writers... so we can really crack eachother up over gchat. Not so much dorky as we are witty, at least that's what I think.

Anyway Josh has always been weird. He's good looking - teeth a little narrowly set, but nice body, that kind of skin I've referenced liking before... ha... I better rate him... you'll see why soon. I'd say a 7.8, but maybe just a 7. For reference, Steve Carrell is an 8. I love Steve Carrell's watery eyes and have kind of a fetish about his nose, but I kind of can't separate love from my scale, and I love Steve. So Steve Carrell's no Adonis, but he is an 8 becasue there's love there. (okay okay - I don't know how to say this right so I'll just say it- ah, cringe, okay - I think his nose would do something incredible during oral sex to me. I just feel that. Never mention this to me ever, becuase it's a secret I'm pretending I didn't just put on the internet. :) ) Okay Hugh Jackman is a 10. So I don't love Josh. He's more an objective 7.8. Good looks is my point. Eye contact with him doesn't make me feel understood as a flawed but beautiful human so that's not part of his rating. 7.8 solely on the physique, the facial symmetry, the complexion.

I am a better writer than he is. This is kind of important too. I'm trying to get a certain understanding across to you, so I don't think it's the time for humility. How could he be a really good writer? He's really hung up on false veil of maya shit.. and as you know from my vast and boring introductory post,("Full Mental Inventory,") I may be a little boring, but I'm not wrong about the world. He's got everything wrong.

So back when I referenced him in the past I think I was irritated by him never wanting to get a drink after class, never making friends with me, when it seemed obvious to me that we might as well - he had a girlfriend but wasn't married, I'm the coolest girl ever - we're in this funny mostly way older people playwriting workshop -like, why? Why never have a beer with me? I concluded it was because he was rich and let it go.

Then I stopped going to that workshop while I associate produced Blue Before Morning and worked on my writing without feedback. Then I returned when solicited and told I was missed. I went back one night and Josh was, well, more solicitious than ever before, tells me, "you should come back. Really. you should." I was like "I do plan to." The next week I wrote him to see if he was going since it was pouring rain and I would have still gone since he was so "You should come" the week before, but if he wasn't going, then I wasn't going to put myself out so much. He writes back that maybe the reason he was so awkward the week before was because he'd had a dream about me the night before I showed up at class after all those months. ("Alas," he wrote, "not that kind of dream.") Whatevs... the whole thing seemed like a giant ploy to get me to say... something, a giant ploy for me to be... intrigued. Well, all I can say is it isn't that easy. Of course it isn't that easy

I mean the long and short of this entire long ass story is that he simply doesn't have it THERE to intrigue me with. The only intrigue he has to offer is fucked-upness and vanity. Can't work. (I mean it can work - sad but true - 7.8 + nothing to offer but vanity + actually initiating sex CAN WORK - that is the great tragedy of life. But we're not having sex so 7.8 + a ton of vanity - no that can't work.)

What is happening Alexis? What are you writing? I am writing the story of what's wrong with him more succinctly and directly than he can. I am rendering all his vague feelings-writing irrelevant telling you, instead, and in my blog, his central quandries. If you're bored already that's not my fault. I'm just getting it down so it's out there in the world for him. He could even quit writing. ha ha ha. That is so mean. I love me.

OK. So this Josh, I think I mentioned he has a girlfriend. Met her, but more aptly, saw her, at his play reading 2-ish years ago. The body language there was the he was embarassed by her. That seemed Weird. She was perfectly sweet and cute - she was wearing a dress and seemed like a cheerful person. I'm quite sure she's better than he deserves. i don't blame her for not knowing becasue she's surely blinded by the objective 7.8 making him seem catch-y in a way no one can really be blamed for. Half the point of all this is that some of my peace-of0mind happiness i've been going on about is the sweet sweet relief of seeing through people and not engaging with them just because sex feels so good and can be so nicely distracting from boredom.

Are you enjoying this long story about someone else's problems juxtaposed with how happy I am to really not be entangled in them?

So he's still with this girl who I have to think his body language has always suggested embarassment with. Lately the online splinter group has indeed been going out for beers. Suddenly he's down to have drinks, and not only is he down, he's almost anxious to tell us, me and kelly, me, Kelly ,and Mike, how he, quote unquote, Doesn't really like her. Isn't really into her. This is always said, at least to me, after a shot, or something - so I take it in stride. I don't think he purposely does this so I take it in stride. I'm explaining that the reason I've repeatedly taken it in stride is because I'm always feeling pretty mellow by the time conversation goes here.

What a piece of work. What a vain piece of work. So we're still not to two nights ago which is somewhat unbelievable and I might need to take another "to be continued."

So the first time he tells me he doesn't like his girlfriend, he follows up with "I've always wondered what it would be like to be with someone creative, you know what I mean -- like the competition would be ..." I don't remember verbatim. Too silly. Isn't this guy unbelievable? See I'm as vain as any girl with my cute features who was born in 1980. But I'm not vain enough to really believe that he's talking about me - but I mean -- Josh. Really? It couldn't be -- it couldn't be that you're looking for.... no... could you really? "I'm creative - can I kiss you?" Do you think I am 19 Josh? Do you think I am 19? I am actually not vain enough to believe that he's taking about me. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not trying to get me to imagine a creative romantic partnership with him. That is fine, but it makes our next drunken discussion of all this begin to enter realms of surreal offense as he once again talks about not wanting to marry his girlfriend and turns to me with tears in his eyes, just about, and goes "I mean.. six and a half?" I say, "Oh gosh are you really upset?" (a cause de the budding tears)He says, "Kind of" I say, "Oh sorry... sorry but I don't understand. Six and half what?" and he just looks at me until I figure out that he is about to cry because he thinks his girlfriend only rates a six and a half.

Okay, so more details to follow. to be continued. But feast on that all my single ladies and make sure you're enjoying the good times with the men with heart who talk to you on tv and write to you in books to be found at the library.



Chrissy said...

I <3 U Alexis! Im going to read this again later. Thank you for this, though. Its truly awesome stuff!


Kelly said...

This post is so rich and good, like a spinach and goat-cheese omelet made by Mario Batelli.

I think you are right, nowabout him not being fascinating. It's more like he is so un-fascinating it is troublesome. It is very troublesome there are men like him in the world. It makes me slightly paranoid. I'm always comparing him to some character in some movie, but he also reminds me of this kid, Damien, in 2nd grade who said to my friend Angie that he loved her and she believed him. But it turns out other boys in the class had paid him $5 to pretend as much as a joke. She cried for so long on the swings!

It's not the same thing much, okay, but guys like Damien make me paranoid too. Damien and Josh. It's really fucked up to let somebody believe you feel something that you don't. You aren't doing them any favors, but you think he thinks he is?

Anyway, you don't have to post this comment, it's insane. Good night! MWAH.

also i laughed very very hard that you dismissed his behavior as being somebody who is wealthy!